Friday, July 15, 2011

Ad-libbing in absentia (aka: Stove, I miss thee!)

As I write this, my stove is in the process of being repaired.  At last my new glass cooktop came in, and my repair guy (ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Ken) is tinkering away in the kitchen as I try and figure out what the hell I’m putting on the table tonight. 

A quick perusal of the cupboards, an assessment of the stove situation (which basically entailed me leering behind Ken asking “So, uhhhh…WHEN exactly are you done with that thing?”) revealed that a) there was nothing in the house to be made since I wasn’t able to get groceries today, due to waiting for the illustrious Ken to show up, and b) neither I nor Ken knew when I’d be getting my kitchen back.  The Fascist’s kitchen is an occupied territory.  I am not okay with this.

It also turns out that none of my regular delivery places are actually delivering today.  So the 20 minutes I spent trying to rack my sushi order up to meet the $30 minimum were all for naught.  “Go out for sushi, then!” hear some of you suggest.  Not an option.  Read the previous post for my explanation why.

I don’t want to resort to pizza, but sometimes options are limited.

Thanks a lot, Ken.

So instead, here’s a lil sumthin I threw together last weekend when guests came over… on the bbq.

Flame roasted tomatoes with peas and herbs

*The above photo is admittedly a bit misleading.  There is no garlic in this recipe.  I hit the Vancouver Farmers Market and scored the ingredients for this, though, and this garlic was just too damn pretty NOT to have its photo taken.  Note the amazing zebra tomatoes.  You'll also note that the peas are absent from the photo, but I shucked 'em myself!

Cherry tomatoes to equal about 3-4 cups, halved
4-5 Large basil leaves, chopped
2 Large mint leaves, chopped
About 2 cups peas (preferably fresh)
1-2 Tbsp olive oil

First of all, you’re going to need a basket for the grill which allows you to cook the tomatoes.  Something like the CharBroil wok topper basket.  If you don’t have something which will allow you to cook the tomatoes on a grill you could try roasting them in a high-heat oven, on a baking sheet.  Be sure to check on them regularly, and move ‘em around.

In a large bowl toss the halved tomatoes with olive oil, herbs and a pinch of salt (reserving a bit of the basil for later).

Over medium-high heat roast the tomatoes in the basket, turning frequently to allow to caramelize.

Meanwhile, make a foil pouch out of aluminum foil to put the peas in.  Add about ¼ cup water, and seal.  That is, close it up.  Don’t add seal meat.  That’s for dessert.

Place the pea-pouch on the grill.  When you hear the water inside boiling, allow to do so for a minute or two, then remove from the heat, and drain off any remaining water.  The peas are best when they retain that certain “pop” capacity.  Don’t allow them to boil down to an unrecognizable mush.  This is summer barbeque food, not dinner at the old folks home.

When the tomatoes have softened, and retained a bit of an umber scorch in places, transfer to a bowl, pour the peas over, add remaining basil, toss gently to combine, and adjust seasoning.

Pic courtesy of Mike C's iPhone

Despite the fact that I had made a seared, marinated pork tenderloin, as well as a from-scratch poutine, these tomatoes were the highlight of the meal.  Kind of like getting a kid a robot for his birthday and he plays with the box.  Oh well.  Noted.  Sometimes the quick and easy dish can be the scene-stealer, I suppose.

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